Ideazione: Luigi Vetrani

L’utente può compiere un percorso in cinque tappe e visualizzare i contenuti multimediali in realtà virtuale direttamente sul proprio dispositivo mobile attraverso delle cardboard.

Il percorso si compone di 5 punti di interesse dov’erano presenti edifici di importanza storica, culturale e sociale che sono andati distrutti a causa dei bombardamenti della seconda guerra mondiale. Gli edifici erano: la chiesa del Carmine, il teatro Manzoni, la chiesa delle cinque Torri, Torre Campanara, Palazzo Corte, chiesa di san Germano, rocca Janula, Abbazia di Montecassino.


Design by Luigi Vetrani

the user can reach 5 points of interest related to the monuments destroyed forever in the war. The user can view the multimedia contents in virtual reality directly on the app on their mobile device via the cardboard.

5 points of interest where there were buildings of historical, cultural and social importance that were destroyed due to the bombings of the Second World War. The buildings were: the church of Carmine, the Manzoni theater, the church of the Five Towers, Campanara tower, Palazzo Corte, Church of San Germano, Janula Fortress, Abbey of Montecassino.


The project funded by the Lazio Region with the European Social Fund – European Programming 2014-2020, is curated by Broadcast Digital Service and aCrm Net, in collaboration with the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio – Department of Literature and Philosophy, Cassino Municipality, and Hubstract – Made For Art.